Jim Hutchison Leaves CAST Software, Opens Lumen Buddha Studios – A Lighting Industries Think Tank and Design Studio



I have the most amazing news to share, and I’ve had to hold it in for the last month…  Fortunately this isn’t an April Fools’ joke!

After four years with my extended CAST Group family, I’m very excited to tell the world that I am leaving CAST Group as the Product Manager for the industry lighting design suite wysiwyg and the Events and Meetings industry design product Vivien Event Designer to open a lighting industries think tank, design studio, and industry relations consulting firm!  World, please welcome Lumen Buddha Studios to the world of light!  The timing is right, the industry is right, and all of my cards have come together to make this happen.  We’ll be moving back to Dallas, Texas soon to begin this adventure!

My goal with Lumen Buddha Studios is three-fold, and I am making three definite divisions in the company:

    Lumen Buddha Studios will provide a resource for lighting industries companies that allows them access to the wealth of knowledge and understanding of the Lighting Industries, including consulting services for a number of industry subsets — Social Media, Research and Development, historical Industry trends, and Industry Intelligence to name a few.
    Lumen Buddha Studios will provide the most excellent services for Lighting Industries businesses to reach out into the Social Media world — many companies struggle to get real results from their Social Media outreach, and Lumen Buddha Studios  strives to provide that edge that the Lighting Industries need to survive!
    Lumen Buddha Studios
    brings two designers with three decades of experience creating stunning designs for clients worldwide — myself, Jim Hutchison, Lighting Designer, consultant, and creator of JimOnLight.com, and Tupac Martir, Visual Designer, Light Magician, and creator of Satore Studio in London.  Tupac is bringing his entire studio team’s expertise to projects with Lumen Buddha Studios here in the United States.  I’m so very excited to have another unbelievably creative organization on board!  Lumen Buddha Studios will be offering Lighting Design and Production services to the Events Industry, Concert Production, Corporate Entertainment, Theatre, Dance, Opera, and most experimentally, grand scale Light Art!

This is the first in a few very large events happening in my career right now, and every single bit of it is due to this unbelievably excellent industry we all call home.  There’s some additional big news coming, but you have to wait for that one, just like me!  In the mean time, in addition to @JimOnLight on Twitter, please follow @LumenBuddha for news and information about the opening of this exciting event!  Make sure to also follow @TMartir (Tupac Martir) and @SatoreStudio to keep up with the exciting projects of our UK studio partner!

A message of thanks:
Thank you for all of the support and readership that you have all given me over the last six years.  JimOnLight.com is still going full-speed, and is showing no signs of stopping!  I’ll quit when you quit, and you have all been unbelievable in your support for this site everyday.  Thank you so very much for coming here to read about light every single wonderful day.  David and I wish it were in our power to personally thank each and every pair of eyes that comes here to learn about our favorite thing every single day, but obviously that would be impossible.

Thank you, Light Lovers of Planet Earth.

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