White & White LED Clock? Black & White LED Clock? Both, Thanks to Vadim Kibardin!


I saw initially one of the two models (White & White LED Clock) and thought to myself…  “Self, doesn’t it seem weird that the letters don’t have a black background for those days when the board room is bathed in sunlight?”  Frankly I’m always just glad that I never hear myself answer back, so I’m just going with that theory as the guiding principle of the day — don’t ask yourself questions that you don’t want yourself to answer, uh, yourself.  Yeah.  Along those lines.

These two fixtures are the work of Vadim Kibardin and his studio.  Vadim is a designer that will change the world.  Bold statement?  Nah, I’m pretty sure that other people agree with me, too!

Here’s Black & White:


and here’s White & White, the all magenta version of the fixture.  I kid, OF COURSE I mean CONGO BLUE!





Very awesome.  Thanks to Vadim for his brain, and thanks to his studio website for the images!  Both of the clocks run around $220, and are manufactured in China.  There is a heck of a lot of beautiful work in Vadim’s shop, he is truly a mast.  I highly recommend checking him out!


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