There are so many stories out there in my newsreader today about sustainability in energy production that it’s difficult to parse them all without talking about every single one. But if I did that, I cold have neither A) Laura or B) a life, so I have to sometimes cull the massive amount of information into manageable little chunks. My buddy Greg told me once:
How do you eat an elephant? One spoonful at a time.
Here’s some spoonfuls of elephant that we all need to see:
Glut of Solar Panels is a Good Thing
From CleanTechnica, is the market’s complete over-saturation of Solar Panels actually a good thing for the market?
US Residential Solar Financing to Reach $5.7 Billion by 2016
The fact that residential solar financing is expected to reach into the near six billion dollar mark in the US alone should warrant some jubilation. Right? GreenTech Solar thinks so.
President Obama: ‘We Must Do More on Climate Change’
Another one from CleanTechnica, Obama stated that we must do more on climate change. But he slipped the word “pipeline” in there. We’re to assume that Obama means the Keystone XL Pipeline; are we also to assume he;s going to cave to Big Oil like he did Big Pharma?
As a side note, Consumer Energy Report also did a nice article on Obama’s climate change talk, well worth the read.
Hydro Beats Coal and Nuclear, Which Beat Oil and Natural Gas Plants, says A Recent Study
This article is awesome, from Next Big Future. It’s to a PDF link of a study talking about different scenarios for environmental stability. It’s extremely nerdy, but that’s what you should expect here!
(thanks to TreeHugger for the photo!)
And now, time to sit and enjoy life with my wife. I swear I am going to get that right this time.