So I was wandering around Camden Town when I stumbled across Cyberdog. First off, this store is futuristic flamboyant and flat-out fabulous. If you’re in London, and looking for a scene Japanese Street Fashion, or are a fan of neon colors, reflective fabrics, the Jetsons, UV, electronics, or kinky alien high priestess bustiers, this is the place for you:
While wandering, I came across some wicked cool light fixtures! They were selling rectangular prism lantern-style fixtures made out of repurposed circuit boards. Not only were they really awesome, they looked quite easy to make! Taking apart old electronics is already an exciting hobby, and I’m always coming up with new projects to reuse the “waste” on. Here’s a small gallery of the lamps I saw in Camden, and a quick google shows there are lots of other cool ones on the internet as well! For example here and here.
If you decide to make your own, I’d love to see what you’re working on!