Sunday JimOnLight Flickr Group Photo Pool


Pardon the little extended vacation there folks — me and the boys at CAST Software just put out Vivien 2012, and wysiwyg R29 is shortly to arrive.  Holy shit is it a lot of work making software.  I also headed down to Nashville last week for the PLASA Focus Nashville show, which rocked!  I had a blast hanging out with my two bosses and the wonderful mix of people that came to get their PLASA Focus on.  I am really digging these shows.  It’s almost as if the smaller variety of the shows gives you a chance to actually talk to the vendors and learn about their wares.  I’m really digging it.  Plus, it’s always great to see Jackie and David!

A pretty cool selection of Flickr Group photos is below — happy Sunday, everyone!

Rainbow and Sunlight, Yorkshire Dales (Explored)

Corner Brook Canada Day

Mercy Me


N.D.B.C - I'M SEXY I KNOW IT - Today's Explore at #1 on Fluidr

when will it end?

Road Kill - FDT

Beam Me Up

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