HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Stephen Hawking!!!


WHOA!  I can’t believe I almost missed this – dude!  Stephen!  Mr. Hawking!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, man!

We here at JimOnLight.com really respect your work – and hearing that you weren’t feeling well on your birthday sucks, brother, as we’re sorry to hear of it.  I usually end up feeling like the poops the day AFTER my birthday for obvious reasons, but then again I only pretend to have as much use of my brain matter as you do, sir.  One thing is for certain – JimOnLight.com and a whole bunch of people across the world think that you are one cool guy, and if I could buy you a pint right now, I’d be doing it!

Feel better tomorrow, which in your part of the world is in just a few hours.  Here in Central Time, we’re still shouting our HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STEPHEN HAWKING chant!

If you *really* don’t know who Stephen Hawking is, I think you need to take a few minutes to look at some stuff:

Happy Birthday, Mr. Hawking, one last time for tonight!  I wish you were doing this instead of being sick:

photo credit:  1, 2

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