If you understand the panel surface area (or even the general collector surface area) needed to power something with solar, you will look at this and say to yourself, “well DUH, self!”
If you have no idea, however, which is going to be most of the people on the planet, I hope you are surprised at how little area it really takes to power the world on ZERO CARBON EMISSIONS, and on JUST SOLAR ALONE. Doesn’t it make sense that Big Oil and Big Coal should latch onto this like white on rice, a glass of milk, and a paper plate, all in a snowstorm?!
Check out the infographic:
See the full-sized version here – it’s pretty awesome.
where in all gods creation did you dream up this nonsense?
Just to give the united sates alone 1 hour of electrical power it gets today (assuming we don’t need any more for a long time to come) it would take 3.4 billion solar panels and they would cover the entire stae of conn.  NOT to mention we only make about 1.2 million panels a year so it would take at least 2800 years to make them all and then we would asume that during that 2800 years NONE would break of course.
Have you lost your cotton picking mind or what?
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