The Home Stretch – and More!


Hey!  11:11!

Good morning everyone – I hope this finds you well, busy, happy, and full of work! I myself am in that vein right now – I just closed one show, and I’m in techs for another show opening this weekend – a production of The Wedding Singer that will surely be enjoyable for everyone.  The great thing for me is that this is the last of a stretch of shows I have lead the lighting design team for, and after this I am spending all of my time writing and researching.  I have several articles in draft right now, product reviews (lasers, luminaires, control surfaces), hands-on video, and a new comedy series that I will be launching in the coming weeks.  I’m pretty excited about that, and I hope it gives you all a chuckle!

I appreciate the patience and diligence of the readers and the Community – I thank you from my heart for your patience!  Stay tuned!  This monster push of production is almost over for me, and my body is ready for a break!

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