Monday Afternoon – The Percocet Addition!


    I’m still healing from my surgery on Friday, which apparently went awesomely.  Shoulder surgery means a few things – stiffness and pain, and pain medicine!  I am at home recuperating, missing my students, and trying to get work done.  I hope that you’re all having a great day out there today!

    I have a bunch of links to share with you – I’ve found some incredible stories lately!

    • What You Need to Know about Obama’s Budget and Energy
      this is an interesting read, more into the way that Obama is treating money and energy in his new budget (from GigaOm)
    • Do Gadget Lights Harm Your Health?
      there seem to be a lot of this type of story coming out lately – make up your own mind, there is a lot of contradictory evidence in both directions of this argument (from PCWorld)
    • “Light Wall,” by Acrylicize and Jump Studios
      a cool project from the website Enlighter – fellow lighting blogger Mitja Prelovsek posted this article recently, on a brilliant project!
    • DIY Ikea Slide Projector Lamp
      I think every lighting nerd who lived within a thousand miles of an Ikea has one version or another of their little PC spot light.  Their package came with a few glass texture gobos, some steel gobos, and some dichroic glass.  This project on Make Magazine‘s website shows how to turn that Ikea projector into a cool slide projector!
    • Lots of Hot Water from Small-Scale Parabolic Solar
      this is an interesting article about a water heating solar technology that produces a high amount of kilowatts for what it’s collecting.  What might be even better than the initial article is reading through the comments of people who picked up a small typo in  the original poster’s article.
    • Wave-Shaped Aragon Convention Center is Flooded with Daylight
      read this article about a convention center’s daylighting design from Zaragoza, Spain.  VERY cool!
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