Something Horribly Wrong is Going On at Wicked Lasers


A quick update on this post:  I did receive my laser after  a long wait.  But it took me getting ahold of the VP of Customer Service to do it.  I am, believe it or not, considering ordering a green laser from them.  I have been assured that the manufacturing and shipping problems have been corrected.  So, for what it’s worth, the laser is pretty awesome.

I’m not into libel or anything – these are hard facts for consumers to make up their own mind before they have to go through the experience that I am currently not enjoying.  However, I feel that with the research that I have, consumers can make up their own minds about future purchases from Wicked Lasers.

I’ve been into lasers for quite some time now, and back in August I decided to get one of Wicked Lasers’ 1W direct diode blue lasers from their China facility.  I am putting together a little laser studio, and I thought that their S3 Spyder Arctic 1W blue would be perfect.  Honestly, it would have been perfect, I think, and with the optics sets that I purchased and the laser shades that I ordered, I would have had a nice laser source to conduct some research!  HOW EXCITING!

Oh, contrare, mo frere.

I ordered the Spyder Arctic, along with their Expanded Optics set, the safety lenses (basically a low-power lens), and some laser goggles.  My order total came to $404.89, which was charged to my card the day I purchased the package, August 24.  On that day, Wicked Lasers’ website stated 3-5 days on shipping.  I had fully planned on rocking the heck out of that laser and optics set that weekend!

Well, here’s where the disappointment comes in – and it’s disappointing because, well, it’s a 1W direct diode blue laser, for under $400! I really, really wanted this for my research and work!

About 8 days after not hearing anything from Wicked Lasers about my purchase, I called the customer service center, apparently located in the United States.  At first glance, no one could locate my order number, so a message was taken to have a senior customer service representative call me back.  Another week went by, no contact, so I called again, got the same thing.  Then I went to the website and saw this – a “new” shipping schedule for the S3 Spyder Arctic:

Okay, suck.  So now 3-5 business days has turned into October 24.  Well, I really, really wanted this laser and optics set, so I put it out of my head and gave Wicked Lasers the benefit of the doubt – my order number was #66XXX, so October 24 it shall be.  However, October 24 had come and gone, and nothing.  I called customer service to find out if perhaps my laser package was stuck in US Customs, but once again, the customer service agent couldn’t locate my order number, so yet another message was forwarded to wherever they keep forwarding these messages that never get returned.

I’ve made a total of eleven calls to the US-based customer service department for Wicked Lasers.  I have had a total number of zero messages returned, even when the agent tells me that they’ve found my number, the status is still “backordered,” and a supervisor will call me within the day.

Starting to seem like a sham yet?  Well, it gets better.  Two days ago (October 26, 2010), I went to check the website to see if there was any more new information about my laser package.  I then find this – a new, revised shipping schedule:

The NEW SCHEDULE now says NOVEMBER 28 for shipping my S3 Spyder Arctic laser.  No one at customer service will return my calls.  Customer service agents keep passing me off, telling me that a supervisor will return my call.  Nothing – not even an email telling me that they’ll ship when they’re damned good and ready, nothing.  How about now?  Seem like a sham now?

So Wicked Lasers, since I’ve heard nothing from anyone, I’m filing a chargeback tomorrow and a fraud report with American Express.  Is anyone else who reads having this kind of trouble with Wicked Lasers?

OH – then there was this, on the Wicked Lasers Facebook profile:

Who knows what the hell this is about, but what it looks like is crap.  Shipping numbers posted out of order?  What’s that about?  Also, if this is a hack or something, wouldn’t you think that they’d take it down to stop confusing their customers?

Here’s what I know (which was true at the time of writing this post):

  1. Wicked Lasers let me order a laser and accessories that it seems like they have no intention of shipping to me.
  2. Wicked Lasers also took my money immediately for a product that it appears that they will never be shipping – were this a $5-10 dollar item, I’d just eat it and stop wasting my time, but it was over $400.
  3. I am not the only person dealing with this game of poop.
  5. Wicked Lasers will not contact me (or others) back with regards of why we don’t have our packages that were promised October 24.
  6. Customer service is a waste of a phone call, and emails are even worse.



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  1. I have gone through the same thing and I didn’t even order the popular Arctic. After a few months I cancelled my order and got a laser through optotronics. The owner replied to my emails within minutes and i recieved a laser within three days of order. WL is a serious sham. they take your money and lie to you on each and every call. At one point the agent i was speaking with on the phone told me that my laser hadn’t shipped because the lens kit i ordered was on backorder and if i wanted they could ship it that day and they will send the lens kit when it comes in… three weeks later nothing happened. avoid WL at all costs!

  2. I feel your pain, Jim. Hopefully everything works out and you get your money back quickly. It was a tough decision when I decided to bail, and it definitely sucks to not get what you’re hoping for.

  3. Hey Jim, head over to and find the thread on the arctic laser. I think you’ll find that no one is receiving their orders, either due to customs or wicked lasers being ass hats. Hope you get all your money back, brother. I’ll be ordering some new lasers for graffiti soon. Let you know who I go with.

  4. If encourage everyone who’s been scammed by wicked lasers to file a complaint with the Fedearal Trade Commission or

    If there are a significant numbers of complaints, a law firm may represent this case and put an end to this wicked laser scam.

  5. I’m one of the lucky one’s which received the Arctic (after 4 months). WL made some errors here, but you have to relate it a bit: A lightsaber for 200$? A laser this powerful normally costs well over 1000$. And then you have a big heavy thing. Not to mention that blue lasers are even more expensive.
    So yes, WickedLasers didn’t meet the expectations like any decent company should. But hey, it’s a small company that suddenly got the attention of every geek on the world 😉

  6. I bought the 1W Arctic Spyder back in August and I was told that there was a manufacturing delay, but they were also addressing a FCC regulation about the lockout switch. I received my 1W blue Arctic Laser yesterday with all parts ordered complete. The laser works great .. no, awesome. The delay did suck, but it was well worth the wait and knowing that my 5 year old will never figure out how to activate (turn on) the laser because of the new switch. I have bought 4 lasers from them and this was the only one with a shipping delay. They have always been responsive (answers either same day or within 24 hours) and I have never had any issues with them. Hope you do enjoy it once you get it.

    It does remind me of a lightsaber from star wars when holding it.

  7. Dude if that is happening with the s3 arctic then wat will happen if I ordered the e2 or evolution pro ??? I want an E2 so bad but I think it’s a scam

  8. Purchased Artic July 5th. Order 56xxx. Said in stock on website. I can’t believe this company is a fucking ponzi scheme. I still don’t have anything and it is almost the end of January 2011. Well over 6 months. My credit card company will not reverse the charge because it is in excess of 2 months since I ordered it. This company has lied over and over again. Back in August they sent an email that said if you want your laser sooner just send an email stating you want a G1 and it will be shipped next week. I sent an email response twice requesting a G1 would be fine. No response from the company. I too have seen all those stupid updates that come and go without getting anything. I get this letter from ceo Steve stating we are sorry for the delay. Here’s a $50 credit or free lens pens with your next order. I actually tried to order something else like an idiot when this company hasn’t even fullfilled its first obligation, and they tell me my coupon was discountined even though it was clearly not expired. I too have seen and got mislead by checking their website. Sept, Oct, Nov, deadlines they set for themselves probably to stop the emails and calls. I bought it hook, line, and sinker. The big deadline of Dec 25th was the biggest joke of all. I got advertisements in my email, guaranteeing delivery before Christmas or you get a free laser. I was thinking, if my July order hasn’t been fullfilled, how the hell do they expect to deliver new orders placed 2-3 weeks before Christmas. I live chatted with, “Colin” probably some stage name. He couldn’t find my order even though I provided him with the receipt and order #. He said he would look into it. Of course weeks go by and I get busy and nobody ever responds to anything. I have filled out help requests to no avail. It is obvious some people have gotten lasers because youtube has the vids, however I believe they are sending out just enough to ease peoples concerns, however the bulk of the orders go unfullfilled. Just like a ponzi scheme some have their lasers, but a majority will get burned. I have hundreds of dollars this company has of my money, and it is too late to contest it with my Visa card. I am really pissed off.

  9. Second thing is don’t trust Wicked Lasers forum. I was checking it weekly. I’m sure they had fraudulent internal people post things to ease peoples concerns. The amount of angry people got to a point where they wiped everything from the forum and started with a clean slate. People in their own forum were doing polls to see when people were actually getting lasers. All of that was wiped clean when it was obvious people weren’t getting what they were promised.

  10. are u fucking kidding me? I just ordered an E3 cause iv wanted it for awhile and im just finding out NOW that this company is a scam? That was $100 dollars. $100 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!! I could have spent that on something else. Son of a bitch and I fell for it to bryant……hook, line and sinker.

  11. The same thing has happend to me, I ordered a laser back in October and it never came. I called and emailed, but they keep stringing me along saying that it will be in the following weeks shipment. This has gone on long enough.

  12. Hey how are you??
    well get this my friends……I ordered the 100mW green in the Spyder 3 body style before there was even a blue one available! and to find out that has long been discontinued!! I finally got a hold of someone two days ago and they have no information on the order what so ever!! I freaken hope they dig it up because this whole time I thought I was waiting for my order!! I just thought that this a hand made item and it takes time!! like a piece of furniture or something along those lines!!
    I am so nervous now I cannot even start to explain it!!!

    • Hello people,
      I just wanted to do a follow up on my long long wait! I received a partial order so far but still waiting for the other items to complete my order!!! for what I have received and for the customer service that has helped me to a T I have to say that first off the Customer service part has been extremely slow BUT with satisfactory results! as for the partial order so far received, awesome! totally high tech quality stuff from this company! my next order that I place after I receive the rest of this first order, I will expect the wait and understand now what it takes to have a one of kind company put a high quality product in my hands. It is worth the wait! there is NO other company that can put this TYPE of product Look in your hand! it’s sort of like waiting for Christmas as a kid and getting the main thing you Wished for!!! I am very understanding now about this company WICKED LASERS! I wish them the BEST and now I know they offer the coolest stuff!!! just ask anyone that has their product! Thank you again so far for all the Superb Customer Service!!! 🙂 4-1-2011

  13. My story is very similar to all those above. I ordered a S3 Arctic last August and got dicked around for 3 months before I gave up.
    I eventually asked them for a refund (there’s even a drop down option on their help desk to request one which shows how often it must happen) and they did return mafter about a week.

    Do yourself a favour guys and get your money back before they go bust.

  14. As with everyone else my order was placed back in August 2010 with no less than twenty e-mails asking where my shipment was and when it would be sent. A variety of e-mail responses from Wicked Lasers promised follow-ups that never happened. All their energy is spent on deflecting inquiries and they have every excuse in the world not to perform anything concrete. It is like dealing with a computer that has a million excuses but no actual performance of any consequence. this company needs to have a class action lawsuit placed against it for its fraudulent behavior. As far as I’m concerned they have ripped off my money knowing they would never deliver their product. My several requests for a refund have been answered with “we’re looking into it” and “when a refund is approved a refund will be made” – what approval is necessary when they KNOW they never delivered the goods in the first place – THIS COMPANY IS AMONG THE WORST TO EVER PERPETRATE THEFT AND STEAL OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY!!!

  15. My order was routed to a Andy Lee in Cleveland. It had been opened and reshipped to me with the laser being removed from the order. I emailed them and they said it was sent. I tracked down the address, it is to a student at Case Western.

  16. Well folks:

    Believe it or not, I actually RECEIVED my 100mw E3 (green) laser from Wicked Lasers on Saturday, February 12, 2011! I ordered it on October 10, 2010, and like all of you, I had given up. I’m using it as an Astronomy pointer because the ones actually sold for that purpose seem to be woefully inadequate. I’m no laser expert, but I believe this isn’t really 100mw of output, but the beam is intensely bright and it really does work well as a sky pointer. While I can’t recommend buying from them because of their poor customer service, but I actually received mine (to my own disbelief) the other day! Lastly, about a week before Christmas, Wicked Lasers sent me an email promising me a laser tripod for free, as kind of a “Thanks for putting up with this crap” gift. It came with the laser also. Each person must decide for him/her self whether to hang in there and wait or call your credit card company, however, I really did receive the item.

    Joe M.

  17. First and foremost… DO NOT order anything from this den of theives and liars. Going through the same crap… ordered an S3 back in NOVEMBER and ordered the “Torch” as well and have gotten nothing but smoke and mirrors and a runaround. So far all I have received from them is their pathetic tripod stand. I’ve given up on trying to contact them and just hope that they’re hopelessly behind and I’ll be pleasanly surprised if they turn up someday. I hope this company and the people responsible for this fiasco gets what is coming to them in the future. Just to repeat, save your money and DO NOT ORDER anything from this company!!!!

  18. Update… I FINALLY received my spyder III and my “Torch” 3 months and 2 and a half months respectively after I placed the orders. It appears they have gotten incredibly behind and/or received a lot more orders then expected. I would have been perfectly happy to wait if they would just would have sent an e-mail and been honest about their situation and had not outright lied to me about the shipping date. Very shoddy business ethics and if I buy another laser product in the future, I’ll probably look for an alternative company to purchase from. SO, for anyone out there that still hasn’t gotten their order(s) yet, just hang in there… better late then never!

  19. Well i just ordered a laser, no confirmation email, no response. I v already sent over 10 mails to them and none of them was replied. Guys I think we should let more people to know that. My f— 499 dollars…

  20. I ordered both S3 and Torch with accessories on 12/24/10 . Did receive S3 in late febuary but no Torch putting me out $260.92. I kept hounding their customer service and their telling me my complaint has been deemed solved by their reps and this was mid April. They,re not even responding to me now . Do not buy under any circumstances from them since support (US) can’t do anything to alleviate the problem !

  21. I purchased 2 S3s on 03/17/2011. After that the nightmare began. For 40 days I emailed 4-5 times, the online chat link is useless, asked for my friend in States to call customer service but no one answered. All I have got was a short answer saying “item will b shipped in 2-4 weeks”.

    This week I was about to cancel my purchase and call the credit card company but the cargo from energy development company in China has arrived and there they were. Just when I thought that I lost 550$ the lazers have arrived.

    Good work with the lazers they are definetly something different then others in market BUT what the f….k with this customer service. From what I see the lazers can me manufactured to $50 max in China and you sell it to 250-300$ – GET SOME ONE TO ANSWER THE PHONE AND REPLY EMAILS!!!

  22. I read the comments and the same thing has happened to me. I ordered my Laser over a year ago and continually got the brush off. Now I am just ignored. Don t order from those crooks. You can put in a complaint to the credit card company and they will get your money back.

  23. I ordered my laser on Sept 21 2010… It is June 9th and still no laser.. I’m getting ready to go on the air at CBS to blast them to bits.

  24. It’s for the best. You probably would have blinded yourself or someone else with that one watt blue laser. Viewing even a scattered reflection is enough to blind you or someone else. These are dangerous instruments that the public has no need to possess.

  25. I ordered mine about 6 weeks ago, I received it 3 weeks ago. However, I am a physicist and had it shipped to my lab. I have heard some people had problems with the FDA or some other govt. authority.

  26. i ordered my 100mw green laser pointer on the last week of May 2011 (will ship in 2-4weeks) but till now i see no sign of my pointer, best thing, they already made a deduction from my Masters card. they did reply to my earlier mails rdg the shipping date but subsequently they went SILENT after i wrote many for an order/shipping updates.
    i bought from them previously in 2007 n 2008 & the svs was fast n prompt but NOT THIS TIME!
    looks like i hv been scammed considering the many complaints i am seeing now.
    cant the federal authorities do something abt it.

  27. Yes,slow speed and bad customer serive.

    I regret to buy my 200mw green laser pointer last month. It doesn’t work now.

    But I Do have a happy experience with DX and LPS(

  28. Same story. Ordered 4 months ago and card charged in 2 days. No product. No one answers phones and e-mails ( when answered) only say we are experiencing delays. In my opinion the company is a rip off and NO ONE should order anything from these guys. I have asked for a refund several times but they completely ignore those requests. It would be great if something could be done to force these guys to refund the money.

  29. Well, I feel like a fool. I guess that goes without saying, or I wouldn’t be posting on this thread.

    I do not have a horror story like so many here, but I would like to THANK you for that.
    I ordered my 300mW green beam a month ago – of course, it said it was in stock – and have yet to hear anything. I’ve JUST fired off a message to cancel the order (before 30 days is up – thanks for the tip!).

    I should have known IMMEDIATELY something was wrong when my card was charged IMMEDIATELY and no product was forthcoming.

    Thanks for the other tips – Laser Surplus and Optotronics. They are, honestly, a little above my head but – looking at Optotronics at the moment – they appear to have a superior product. It costs three or four times as much, but well.. I’m not a stranger to top dollar for a good product.

  30. It’s been about two weeks since I ordered my laser 1000mw and haven’t even been able to reach a representative from texas laser systems always just an answering machine. The only one who has called me is PayPal wanting to know how my online experience was (thank you paypal by the way), so I tell them I’m yet to receive anything and haven’t reached anyone; PayPal informs me to give it a few days then file a claim with them if this continues. I plan to do just that, makes me feel good that at least someone is trying to help and dig for answers and retrieve customer satisfaction!

  31. i ordered an E3 elite series (100mw) about 2-3 weeks ago and i was just wondering if the corruption is mainly to do with the arctic series. Can anyone help me?

  32. Thanks for posting this info. just a note: Oh, contrare, mo frere is not quite right. This would look better: Au contraire, mon frere

  33. Hey – after waiting for 3 weeks based on WL promises to ship and item that was indicated to be in stock, I found your web site and called them back to cancel my order.

  34. I too went through the “we will ship tomorrow” for almost five months. The gal who answers the customer service phone (when it is answered) and I were almost on a first name basis. Every time I called I got a different excuse. I told them I was tired of their lies and to just be honest with me and asked, “what is going on with my order”. She said the laser had been shipped via UPS. I asked for a tracking number which she could not give because, “UPS doesn’t provide said tracking information. I called BS and when I was lied to again I told her to cancel my order and refund my money. (My CC was billed the day I ordered the devise). She became very belligerent telling me, “FINE, you don’t have to be so rude”. She then made a lot of noise on her keyboard while pushing papers to act as if she was working. She advised me the order was canceled and I should see a credit on my credit card, “within three working days”. You would think if in fact the unit was shipped like she said there would have been some discussion of me returning the laser when it arrived, which there was not. Of course when I checked with Bank of America four days later Wicked Lasers HAD NOT REFUNDED ANYTHING to my account. When I told Bank of America what I had gone through they picked up the ball and did a back charge against WL for full amount.
    Well guess what…the laser arrived three days after Bank of America did a back charge. I was contacted by a VERY PANICKY AND NOW RESPONSIVE Wicked Laser asking why I had canceled the charge and asking for payment. I told them I would send them a certified check if they would give me an USA address. I also told them I WOULD NOT TRUST THEM WITH MY CREDIT CARD INFORMATION as I had to cancel the card I used with them for the original order after it was used in China for fraudulent charges. I can only assume WL was behind them but have no proof.
    As of today I have not received any information about how to send their check to them. I will say they make on hell of a good product. It is worth every penny I didn’t pay them for the unit.

  35. Unfortunately, even today they continue to steal money to scam people with the laser. Although I paid and they do not have the goods shipped to me and do not respond to my emails. I asked for the return of the disputed money mastercard, we hope for the best …!! Beware, they are of crappy crooks then you pay close attention and do not buy goods from wicked lasers. Mike Italy

  36. after reading through all the comments, i for one, will not be ordering from wicked lasers.  it does make me wonder if they will just pop up under a different company name.  if they where just up front with the shipping dates it wouldnt piss everyone off.  the possibility is there that this growing company was swamped by its own success.  so to order from them at this time might well be a roll of the dice.

  37. crap i have been wanting one for a while. I guess ill have to buy else where
    what douchebaggery

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