Lumarca for a Monday Morning


Good morning, everyone!  I hope that this is the start to a fantastic Monday, and an even better week.

Today’s phrase is “volumetric video.”  To explain what I mean by “volumetric video,” take a look at this video:

This project is called Lumarca – and it’s the brainchild of Albert Hwarng, Matt Parker, and Elliot Woods.  From the Lumarca website:

Lumarca is a truly volumetric display which allows viewers to see three dimensional images and motion. The system requires only a computer, a projector, and common materials found at most hardware stores. This provides an affordable platform for artists to design compelling content that conveys information, narrative, and aesthetic information in a new way. Lumarca is a collaboration between Albert Hwarng, Matt Parker, and Elliot Woods.

Lumarca was entered into the World Maker Faire’s contest, sponsored by Red Bull, called Create the Future.  Long story short, they won – and are now looking for venture capital to make this project into something even more awesome than what they have.

Awesome project. salutes you!

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  1. I actually come from theatrical lighting design, so it was good to see my work be covered by lighting peeps like yourself. Thanks for the coverage, it’s appreciated!

    A minor correction – we’re not so much looking for venture capital as much as looking for lots of small pledges on our Kickstarter. To support us, search “Lumarca” on

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