I finally got through ALL of my Bill Klages shots – last week at ETC’s Summer Camp in Middleton (at the ETC Mothership!) I got to listen to Bill Klages talk about setting up shots for film and broadcast. You know who Bill Klages is, right? He’s only the father of modern television lighting and all.
It was pretty amazing to get to see him work and teach the audience. The man knows light, and it is so obvious how much skill he has developed over the course of his career. I snapped a ton of shots of Bill while he was giving his seminar, and I’ve listed a gallery view below. Click on one, and you’re transported to a mystical gallery place of images, like MAGIC!
I just loved this shot – the model is Marina, who was a champ and a good sport for the demo.
Fred Foster, ETC‘s CEO, introducing Mr. Klages.
Fred Foster giving Bill Klages his “HD” hat.
Gallery below!