Light Associated Media and Are Here to Stay


    Ladies and Gentlemen – I would like to announce to the world that Light Associated Media, LLC,, and are here to stay.  Everything is going to be fine – and furthermore, you’ll notice that I took down the post I wrote last week about the future of the family.  It was wrong of me to post that crap online and drag feelings into it, and I apologize to Leia for it.  Divorce is a hard thing, and there was a large miscommunication about what was going to happen with the business.

    I am taking over as CEO, and Leia is going to still help on the backend from time to time as a consultant.  The woman is ridiculously talented at information architecture and CSS (I mean, she IS a code ninja), and I think we are lucky to have her code in the first place.  She is unbelievably awesome, she is ridiculously skilled, and I have to say again – if you need the best in web design, coding, back end, WordPress mastery, or anything that people are going to load in a browser ever, get Leia.

    Let the love of light resume, peeps.

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