Untimely Content Alert! ICE at The Gaylord Texan, Designed by Michael Kramer


So, I have to apologize kinda for the really untimely content.  I have about 15 videos and interviews from back in the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010 that I never got to post because I had no time to edit.  2010 has been a miracle whirlwind of conventions, design gigs, life, and travel – it’s not slowing any time soon, nor do I want it to slow!

Today’s untimely content posting is of my good friend Michael Kramer and his design for The Gaylord Texan’s ICE exhibit that goes up every year.  I’ve been seeing this thing for a few years now, and I never knew that it was Michael’s work!  Michael and I were both at Western Illinois University together – Michael as a grad and me as an undergrad.  I created some of the best things I can remember when we were in school together, and it’s nice to see him rocking and rolling and changing the world with his art!

This exhibit happens when it’s still in the mid 80’s in Texas and runs through Christmas – the quite amazing thing about it is that, well, they have to keep the ice as ICE and not as bottled water spilled on the floor, so mega-chillers are brought into the venue and maintain a 9 degree Fahrenheit temperature all day and night long.   There’s truss, lighting all over the place, and all kinds of other stuff – all at 9 degrees.

One thing that is pretty amazing and humbling is that the ice carvers from Harbin’s International Ice Festival come to Dallas to carve this show.  Watching them work was like watching a team of one collective mind creating magic from ice.  If you’ve never heard of the Harbin Ice Festival, check out some posts I’ve written on the subject here.  Down to the way that they install the LED lighting inside of the ice and underneath of the massive structures, the Harbin people are absolutely amazing.  I feel honored that I met them.

Michael is a designer for Hotopp and Associates in New York City.  Check out his work!  I do not know who the LD is for this last year’s show, but I know who I WANT the LD to be for next year’s show…

The content is untimely, but it is still good content, so check it out!

(Mostly I am sorry to David Schraffenberger because he is a stickler for timely content.  You’re awesome though!)

JimOnLight.com – Michael Kramer and ICE from Jim Hutchison on Vimeo.

Some images:

Yes, this is a solid ice tunnel:

Beautiful – LED lighting underneath of this ice rock:

LED strips installed into the ice:

Backwards, my friend!

See those enormous chillers?

More chiller shots – I think they use liquid nitrogen:

Crystal clear perfect ice – takes the light so nicely:

An access hole for the workers to get to lighting and ice positions.  Some of these structures are 20-30 feet tall, and intricate:

MICHAEL!  I miss you brother!  Let’s do some shows together!

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