Martin Neuhaus’ Becherlicht – A Cup, Uh, Lamp?


This is an interesting project.  I am still not totally sure if I like it, but you can make your own decisions.

So, Martin Neuhaus’ lamp, Becherlicht, is a projection-type luminaire.  A source of light shines onto and through a transparent “cup” (I say that in quotes, but I think it’s really a cup” that projects onto a wall.  To me, the cup creates what looks like a shade shape onto the wall surface, which seems to be the point made by the designer, who wanted the “aha!” factor with the shade.  It attaches to the wall, as in the image below – but when it’s off, what exactly is it?

I like the idea of a projected “thing,” whether it be color, shape, whatever – but what I would hope is that I can put whatever the hell I want into that holder.  I want to stick a template in there, a colored glass, a plate, whatever I feel like.  It does come in a few colors.  I still want to put other stuff in that slot to create my own lamp.

Eh, to each his or her own.  I think it’s novel.  Make sure to check out Martin Neuhaus’ website.

Thanks, DesignBoom!

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