Were You at LDI 2009?



I met so many awesome people at LDI 2009 this year – it was certainly a year to remember, and my first Orlando show.  I normally go to Vegas for LDI, but I am glad I was able to partake in the candy-coated goodness that came from this year’s conference.

Enough about me though – what did YOU think of this year’s show?  What was your favorite thing, your least favorite thing, your biggest surprise, or your biggest letdown?  Did you see something so totally awesome that it rocked your world?  Did you have a bad beef burrito from the concession area?  I really want to know – if you were in Orlando basking in the artificial light goodness of LDI 2009, please tell me your experiences in the comments below!

If you’re kind enough to comment, I’m going to throw your name into a drawing for some JimOnLight stickers and this LED flashlight just for taking the time to comment!


Previous articleLDI 2009 – Chauvet Lighting’s Booth
Next articleLDI 2009 – Coemar’s Booth


  1. I couldn’t make it after all; but a buddy of mine went and was in the Elation ‘VIP room’ or something – where they were showing their new Platinum mover. He called me and basically said, “Yeah – I’m buying a truck load of these – you missed out.” So…can’t wait for that light to actually come out! Sounds really impressive.
    That’s about my only experience…:-(

  2. I’m sad I couldn’t make it down there, hopefully next year I’ll be seeing you all there and the LID-Tweetup 2010.

    I’m glad to see Coemar had a nice looking booth 🙂

  3. The tweetup was a great idea. Vegas is always fun, but something about orlando seems to bring everyone together. LightLock totally won for best product in my opinion. I’m glad so so many people came out. I was a little worried. Thanks for the Play by play tweets too.

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