LDI reminds me that there are so many things I love and hate about this industry we call our home. I hate the hours; I love the payoff. I hate the exhaustion; I love the camaraderie that occurs between people that don’t normally play well with others. The one thing that I love more than any of it is the people of this business. The people make LDI for me, every single time we trek our rear ends to the desert for our industry’s prom.
I walked around taking as many “obligatory LDI selfies” as I could. I took a bunch near our booth, and yes Jaybles , some of these aren’t selfies. 😀
I missed seeing hundreds of people. This is the standard for LDI. Next year I’ll miss more hundreds of people. You have to make these shows focus on who you DO get to see! You’ll always see who you missed next year!
Eric Mueller, Matt Suarez, Thomas Fonseca, the bald one, and Corey SIlverman!
TEAM AVOLITES AWESOMESAUCE!!!!!!!!! Holy awesome, Batman!
Flash and Trash Works Inc – Executive Team! Cat West and Joe Cabrera, two of the world’s greatest programmers.
What’s Danilo looking at? Danilo, DeAnna, Mikey, and Gilbert!
Tobin Neis of Barbizon and Sharon Gross from Bandit Lites!
Hi Brad! Brad Schiller, ladies and gentlemen!
It’s Simon Newton! Great to meet YOU, dude!
Steve Shelley, who always has a giggle for me!! You’re awesome.
Sharon, so great to meet you finally! World, Sharon runs PR for Bandit Lites. Say hi to her on Facebook and Twitter! GO! DO IT!
Feelin’ CONGO with Susan Rose!
Look at that big beautiful smile! Richard Belliveau and I resting the dogs at the Elation Professional booth.
Randy Wade! What’s up man?!
What’s that weird Stepford Wives face we’re making?! Me, Justin Lang, Mike Graham, and Danilo Oliveira.
Danilo, Peter Kirkup of Peter Kirkup, and Mikey all talking shop.
LOOK at this f*cking guy!! Did he get sexified or WHAT?! Peter Kirkup looking great at LDI 2014!
Avolites’ Koy and a lovely chap that I did not get a name from, EMAIL ME!
Rosco Matt! Awesome chatting with you mandingo.
The brainchild of Legend, Rogue, and many more, Michael Graham!
Nick Airiess (NICKY!) and Dan Goldsmith of X-Laser
F*CK YEAH! Kevin Loretto, JOL, Thierry Pouliot!!!! Great to see you both!!!
The enchanting Miss Katherine Walmsley from our UK office and CARRRRRRLOS! Carlos makes photoshop and e-blasts his bitch.
Hi Justin!
Jeremy Kumin of ENTTEC! I thought Enttec had the coolest booth at LDI, totally Steampunk.
AWWWW! It was so great to see Jax.
Jacob Coakley is the third funniest man I have ever met. Read what he has to say about what we do, his words drive our businesses in a strongly creative direction.
One of Entertainment’s favorite ladies! Heather Marie Short rocks!!
SEE?! She’s commanding you with her eyes!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, the most popular man on the block! Look at that tongue!!!
David makes the JimOnLight world go ’round. David is our technojesus
Dr. DMX!
Debi Moen — this lady writes the lighting industry’s soul. Fact.
I call this one “nefarious smiles”
Danilo having an eyebrow moment
Jeremy, JOL, Crystal LEE!
Berenice Chauvet – Lighting’s Marketing SAMURAI!!!!
Oh my god this was the best photo ever. Chris Conti, my salty head, and Michael Eddy at load-out.
STEALTH selfie! Berenice, meself, Jackie. I caught Jackie Tien on camera!!! She ninja’d the other way for the next shot I took, you fast devil you!
Andre!!! Cool to meet you, duder!
This guy. A very awesome chap. He introduced himself to me and I did not record his name. What’s your name again, my man?! Amy Walker, what’s his name?!?!
Me, Susan Rose, Berenice Chauvet, and Joe Fucini! Awesome!
It’s Allan Reiss programming his awesome booth!
Load-in week dinner for those of us who stayed late. We were the few. As in you see who stayed late!