Is It Okay If I Take A Few Days Off?


    Folks, I need to do something that doesn’t get done very often around my world…  I need to take a few days off to travel to Sweden and get situated!  I am going to not have any posts on Tuesday and maybe Wednesday, which both breaks my heart and makes me wish I was writing both of those days.  I will be traveling overseas and moving into a dorm room.

    The minute I get internet access, which should be pretty immediately, I will update the website and post about my travels.  I hope that everyone is well, and wish me luck – I am starting a new journey!

    If I have any time to post while I am laid over in O’Hare, I promise that I will!

    Previous Contest – The Last in The US for A While
    Next articleSweden, Ho!


    1. Oh yeah.

      Weak excuse: ‘I have to travel to Sweden, and move into my new dorm’.

      A few days are acceptable. No more that that young man;)


      Butch ‘I almost let a moment for sarcasm slip by’ Allen

    2. Safe Travels! Can’t wait to hear all about it! Im currently finishing my 3rd year in Grad school so I have a bit of an idea about what you are heading into. Maybe one day I will go back for an archi LD degree too. Who knows! Best of Luck in School!

    3. Wash behind your ears and don’t take any wooden euros! (you remember last you went to Sweden to get a masters in architectural lighting…….)

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