FroliCat – When A Hand Laser Is Too Exhausting to Play with Your Cat




I just ran across the FroliCat BOLT device for cats and dogs – it’s an “interactive laser” that you set on the table and let it play with your cat. So, instead of you playing with your cat, you’re letting an inanimate animated laser play with your cat. I guess the FroliCat is for all of those times when you’re sitting on your fat duff being fed grapes in your toga and needing some entertainment. Bring me the FroliCat! I must watch some adorableness!

Wow. Yeah, there’s a manual mode too, but that sounds like work.

FroliCat’s website is here – the FroliCat BOLT is $19.95.

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  1. Surprisingy I’ve also found that chickens like to chase lasers, too. So perfect for your poultry as well as your cats and dogs.

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