Olafur Eliasson’s Starbrick Light


Olafur Eliasson has created the Starbrick Light – it’s an experiment with light modulation and space.  The unit can be added to other units to create a larger light or “sculpture” of sorts, creating light on many angles and directions.  To be honest, Olafur has a lot of really mind-blowing illumination and space projects, and it is hard for me to not write about all of them all at once.  I’m going to just post images of Starbrick now, please expect new ones in the future.

Olafur speaks on Starbrick:

In my studio, we initially focused on the spatial challenges involved in the shaping of a complex geometric brick. this led to the development of the star-shaped modules, based on a stackable principle, which produce three types of space: the solid structure of the module itself, the negative space at its core in the shape of a ‘cubeoctahedron’, and the polyhedric spheres that appear between the modules when stacked. I have attempted to develop a module that, while functioning as an object in itself, can also be assembled to form multiple basic architectural elements such as walls, whether freestanding or integrated into an overall structure, suspended ceilings, columns of all shapes, sizes and volumes – theoretically, you could build an entire luminous house out of ‘starbricks’!  the expandable principle is a generous one that makes it possible for people to buy a lamp system that can be related to its surroundings. depending on the context, you can change and rebuild the system; whether in a small study or a concert hall, the module can be used as an architectural building unit, merging light and volume. by further developing the current prototype with zumtobel, I hope to be able tooffer this light module for everyday use and living. it poses questions that are central to both contemporary art and society: how does light define space?  what politics of light infuse our immediate surroundings?

Check out these images, and please visit Olafur’s website – his projects are stunning.







Thanks, Designboom!

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