Hideo Kawamura’s On-Off Lamps


on off

Wow, I really like these lamps – Japanese art director Hideo Kawamura’s On-Off Lamps are pretty awesome pieces of two-faced art, giving one look while off, and another while switched on.

From Hideo’s Coroflot bio:

I am an Art Director working in Tokyo, JAPAN. After graduated from Musahino School of Art & Design, joined Tanaka Noriyuki Activity Inc. in 1992 and I founded a design office, Kawamura Hideo Activity Inc. in 1997. Mainly do graphic & product design. An original product design label Rezon® started from 2006 and the first product lamp shade “ONOFF” won Good Design Award / Product Design Section. Our goal is making everyone’s life better with power of design.

These are really interesting fixtures – I dig em!  Also, check out Hideo’s Coroflot portfolio.

on off

on off

on off

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