Willow Lamps – South African Design


I got an email from Sian from the South African design studio Willow Lamp a few days ago.  Have you looked at these lamps?  I didn’t know about them until I got the email, but their work is stellar.  It’s two people, Sian Eliot and Adam Hoets.  From their about page:

The willowlamp â„¢ is the brainchild of the design duo ‘TeamTwo’ Adam Hoets and Sian Eliot.  Sian Eliot studied Industrial Design at the Cape Technikon and is also a jeweller.

She has established herself as a distinctive voice in the field of jewellery design through her innovative meshing of traditional skills with technology. She has a natural instinct and understanding for the materials she works with.

Adam Hoets is a registered Architect who has specialised in Eco Architecture since graduating from the University of Cape Town in 2000. His architectural projects have shown a flair for progressive and environmentally sensitive design — a focus that is continued in his collaborative work under the umbrella of Willowlamp.

Adam has an obsessive awareness of the intricacies of the willowlamp’s construction. This manifests in a tightly conceptualised and resolved final product that couples aesthetics and sensitivity with technical design.

Great work!  Keep us informed on what you have going on!

willow lamp

willow lamp

willow lamp

willow lamp

willow lamp

willow lamp

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  1. Incredible Designs! Adam Hoets is a creative genius, his designs are completly uniqe nothing else like that in the world! Hauntingly beautiful and absolutely timeless.

    A most perfect way to enhance any glamourous space.

  2. I saw a big one at Melrose Arch and then again at the Attick in Parkhurst…really beautiful. On my list of purchases to come in my new home!

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