Smart Grid Conference – Jesse Berst’s Presentation


Does everyone know who Jesse Berst is?

Jesse Berst is Executive Director of Energy and Environment Prozes at the X Prize Foundation.  Jesse spoke last week at the Smart Grid Conference, and Vik from Konstructr posted a link to the slides from Jesse’s presentation.  Thanks for doing that, Vik!  I’m glad you posted that – it reminded me that Jesse hosted a panel discussion on the “smart grid” called Power Grid 2.0.  Panel participants were Andrew Tang of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E); Sunil Sharan of GE Energy T&D; Karl Lewis of GridPoint; Eric Dresselhuys of Silver Spring Networks; and Eric Miller of Trilliant.

The video below is of that panel discussion – it is a very interesting conversation.  I highly recommend it.

Also, the Smart Grid Conference website has a selection of the Power Point presentations from the conference – one of my favorites of the seven listed is the presentation by John Schnagl from the Department of Energy.  Check it out.

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