Light Plot Deconstructed – The Continuing Contest!



iSquint just finished the first part of the Greg Hillmar contest for Light Plot Deconstructed, Greg’s new book about light plots and the process of making one.  Now that iSquint has passed the torch, is going to host the second part of the contest for one of two signed copies of Greg’s book!  iSquint will be announcing the winner of the first signed Greg Hillmar book soon.

First, thanks Greg for providing us the books so we could give them away to the JimOnLight and iSquint communities!

As in all contests on JimOnLight, this one is just as easy – to be entered into the completely random drawing for the last signed copy of Greg’s book, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post.  Leave your name, email address (which will of course not be published or shared with anyone), and if you’re feeling generous, leave me a note!  I LOVE your notes!

I will be running this section of the contest from right now until October 30, 2009 at midnight central time.  Once the contest is closed, I’ll just stop allowing comments on this post.  Good luck, and thank you so much for reading JimOnLight and iSquint!

Greg Hillmar is also selling copies of his book for $40 on the Light Plot Deconstructed website.  Check it out!

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  1. As a lighting design student at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, I would find this book invaluable in my future career.

  2. Greg Hillmar has a great book here. I have a ton of resources on my bookshelf in my office. Light Plots Deconstructed didn’t even hit the shelf. I think I got to read the 1st chapter before my guys stole it. I’m thinking I am going to order a few more copies for the rest of my guys.

  3. Hey Jim,
    love your blog!
    Thanks for covering the world of light so throughly.
    also looooove the free stuff.

  4. Thanks for running the blog and showing us all of the new gear and info. Looks like a fantastic book and I’ll have to get it even if I don’t win…

  5. I have the software for a year now, but I have only scratched the surface of what it can do. I think this book would be a great help. Jim: keep the posts and tweets coming, I read them every day.

  6. Long time reader, first time commentor. Love your blog and a huge fan of VW as a weird lighting design student at Wayne State (out of the theatre dept, but haven’t done math & science to get the degree) I just love the idea of free stuff that continues to help me learn (5yrs of college is expensive!)

  7. I have always wanted to learn the way Greg does his drafting. I have been to two seminars of his and have wanted to purchase this book. I am also entirely self taught in CAD so this would be a great tool. But between planning a wedding and being a lighting designer full time, haven’t been able to buy it.

  8. Hey, I’ve got a plot to draft in a week or so and I’m planning on trying something aside from Wyg (for once). Shame too, since R12 won’t work with Windows 7. Oh well, up until I can afford the new release, VW2010 will be my program. Sure would be great to get a nice in depth look at plotting from a different source.

    Keep on rocking on.

  9. Hi Jim! I’ve heard AMAZING things about this book, and would love it. I couldn’t take VectorWorks this semester because of a required genetics class, so this would definitely inspire me to keep up on my drafting skills and study plotting independently.

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