Light Writer – Photography Effects for iPhone


Did you ever have one of those persistence of vision (POV) gadgets?  I had one that had 4 LEDs on a stick that moved back and forth very, very fast, and would spell out programmed sentences and images.  I think I won it at a Dave and Buster’s or something like that.  You know, the same concept as these things:


Well, the other day I read a post at Hack N Mod about an iPhone app called Light Writer – it’s a POV device that you can use to do some light painting – I believe that this is the first one I’ve seen that doesn’t used LEDs.  It’s pretty cool!  I took a picture and did some shameless self-promotion:


I think it was a buck, or $0.99.  Here’s a direct iTunes link to the Light Writer app.  Thanks for posting about it, Hack N Mod!

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