Help Our Angels of Mercy, BEHIND THE SCENES – We’re Giving 25%


Hiya, world.  Considering the amount of times I’ve been in ATL this year, I can see it’s gonna be a busy one for all of us.

It’s been a crazy fall and an even more insane beginning of 2017.  If I’ve seen you at a show or a training or a tour stop or something like those places, I’m glad I had that minute to spend with you, I’ve learned to cherish each little minute I get to stop moving forward in this industry.

There’s something I want to write about and I always find myself being “too busy” to stop and do so.  Screw that.  Now’s the time for my brothers and sisters of lighting and entertainment, right now.  I’m sorry, friends, that I’ve not done this before and with more fervor.  Our people are hurting, as are so many other industry’s people.  No one is coming to help, we have to help our own. Right now, with the world in one of the craziest places politically that at least I’ve ever seen in my lifetime, our industry’s people need to have someone with their back.


There’s one organization that has our back when something happens to us.  Let’s say you get cancer or some kind of illness where you’re just unable to work — I hate even thinking that for you, cancer SUCKS and IT MUST DIE, but if that were to happen, Behind the Scenes comes in, and they help you figure out how to live while you can’t work.  Behind the Scenes brings help and hope to individuals in our industry in times of great need. Individuals, organizations, and businesses in the industry continue to help us help our own by donating funds to the charity, but in addition to those generous contributions we’re looking for something else.

I’m announcing today that is going to be donating 25% of all future advertising proceeds to the Behind the Scenes Charity until further notice.  Our people need help.  I challenge my fellow lighting bloggers and journalists/publishers who make income from advertising to also make a commitment.  

Contact me if you’re interested in advertising with us here on, we will make all donations in our name and yours.

Check this out:

BTS is always looking for photos to help them spread the word.  From the office:

We want to better tell the story of who Behind the Scenes helps, so we are looking for engaging imagery, taken either backstage, on set, or in our shops showing everyday entertainment technology tasks. Think over the shoulder shots or close-ups of hands doing work. These images will be incorporated into ads and posters for Behind the Scenes reminding people that help is available if they, or someone they know, are seriously ill or injured. Please make sure you have written permission to let us use the photo, from the production and from anyone in the picture. The higher the resolution the better.

You can email photos or address any questions you have to: or

Also, check out the Behind the Scenes website,, and the BTS Facebook page, at — this is a good thing for our industry, friends.  Please help if you can, I know I do.

If we love what we do, we must help those who make these shows so incredible.  We need to be able to pick our people up if they fall down.  The more and more I watch the news, the more evident this becomes to me.  I never expected to make money from JimOnLight; I’ve never made operating costs for anything and even then I still owe for the money I’ve put into it and advertising it, but I have spoken across the world because of it and I have been able to help people advance in this industry that we all love so freaking much.

If you want to help Behind the Scenes, and consequently our professionals and industry players, go here:

Everything helps.  Consider spending some of your donation money here at home, I can assure you it is needed.

Thanks for reading, brothers and sisters.  Your support is greatly appreciated, and without it, I’d be worthless.

Jim Hutchison

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