Pico Projectors and Cop Chases and iPhones, OH MY


Take a pico projector, add an iPhone feeding it some content, and film the whole thing with some fun music, and you have a pico projector cop chase.  You also have a handful of awesome:

GAH! Sweet.  The film is from The Theory and Nexus Productions — from the Vimeo site:

The world’s smallest all action police chase…

Directed By The Theory

The tiniest police chase ever seen, made using the world’s smallest ‘pocket video projectors’. Featuring an escaped convict, a determined cop and a fully armed police helicopter, Speed of Light takes ‘projection mapping’ to a whole new (and low) level.

Speed of Light was all projected and filmed FOR REAL – there’s no CGI trickery.

– The car and helicopter are toys bought from a model shop filmed against greenscreen.
– As well as using the world’s smallest projectors from MicroVision, we also partially filmed using the world’s smallest HD camera.

And a Special thank you to Microvision for the projectors –



I wonder how long it’ll be before every iPhone and iPad has the ability to project video in HD?  I can’t believe it’s going to be THAT long…  look how well Flip HD did once smart phones upped their megapixels!  These pico projectors are pretty cool, though.  If I were going to buy my own projector, it’d have to be one of those monster Christie projectors.   Rawrrrrrrrrr…..

Thanks, LikeCool!  PS, that projector up top there is the Vivitek Qumi Q2 3d-ready pico projector — about $500 bucks USD.

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