Sunday JimOnLight Flickr Group Photo Pool


This is a pretty good Sunday, if I do say so myself.  I’m working on something awesome that is going to hit the web Wednesday morning — I’m going to be vague, but it has to do with this (and yes, I’m sorry it’s been more than two weeks, life’s been kinda high speed lately):

Yeah, it’s coming, finally.  JimOnLight TV Episode 1 in its various parts will be hitting the web on Wednesday morning, June 27, 2012!  Starring Jeff Waful and Umphrey’s McGee, Chauvet’s COLORado Batten 144 Tour are going to be the stars of Episode 1, and I’m excited to put this out there!  I’m about to release Vivien 2012 with CAST and we’re also banging away on wysiwyg R29, which has kept be unbelievably busy since I moved up here at the end of February.  I’m finally figuring out how to balance my career with my passion, and I am feeling pretty f*cking good about it!  Now if I can just get outside once in a while and get some sun, life will be even more sweet!

Check out a great Sunday’s worth of photographer’s contributions to our acceptance of beauty and art — have an amazing day, everybody!  Stop by the JimOnLight Flickr Group and join up, it’s completely free!

Bursting Out


B96 Summer Bash

REO Speedwagon

B96 Summer Bash

I miss you, little boy:
lumen on glowstick night

The Vortex



Peace Face

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