It’s geektastic and rave-a-licious up in here, y’all.
- DIY Daft Punk helmet!!! (geekologie)
- Tron girl music video: whip out your red/blue glasses. (geekologie)
- More about Tron? Yes, more about Tron. (OhGizmo!)
- My hobby: setting things on fire. (geekologie)
- This is your bathroom on ecstasy. (geekologie)
- Feeding the power needs of Iraq. (Fast Company)
- What’s up with the grid? This is what’s up with the grid. (Infrastructurist)
- Alternative or efficient: that is the energy question. (Infrastructurist)
- “What time is it?” “Oh, about L201.” (OhGizmo!)
- They say this is a coffee table, but I think it’s a Borg ship. (PicoCool)