I am so excited to post this for everybody – her work should be getting some major props. By “her” of course I mean the official photog for JimOnLight.com and a mad, mad artist in her own right – Amanda Lynne Ballard. Everyone knows her on Twitter as @a_mandolin, and those of us who know her from the internet and the world know she’s a photographer and pic magician.
One of our favorite stage managers, @SMLois (or Lois to the layperson) came to see Amanda Lynne in Toronto for a visit recently, and a series of events unfolded. Will I get these in the right order? Probably not. Let’s see:
- Amanda Lynne piles Lois and Brittany (@bfg85 on Twitter) into her car.
- Amanda Lynne then drives Lois and Brittany in her car down the QE.
- Amanda Lynne keeps the destination, Niagara Falls, a secret for a set amount of time.
- Amanda Lynne reveals destination to Lois and Brittany, who rejoice.
Background stories are excellent. Enjoy these photos, and Amanda Lynne is about to have some photo work on JimOnLight.com from a backstage tour of KA we had, followed by three days of LightFair 2010 shots!
Dude, squee.
Amanda’s work is protected under an Attribution-Noncommercial-No-Derivs License. So make sure to give her credit where credit is due!
My hat is off to Amanda and her eye! These are some really amazing photos. I love the color and textures that she has captured. Very impressive work. Please pass along my kudos.
Amazing. Really. Stunning.
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