(What a great picture, El Chubasco!)
Do you ever have that feeling when a burst of creativity is changing? I view creativity and artistic progress as climbing a mountain landscape – sometimes you’re climbing, sometimes you’re falling, and sometimes you’re stuck walking on a plateau not going up or down. I just hit a climb.
Somehow a big burst of creativity finds its way to you, and you have to nurture it. It needs food and water, love, and music. This weekend I spent several hours ripping old CDs onto my desktop so that I could have new (old) tunes to groove on. For me, music is a huge combination of passion, old memories, smells, and colors of light. I needed something different than what I have been listening to – after buying a DJ Spooky album a few weeks ago and being introduced to Rodrigo y Gabriella, I felt the creativity coming.
So, as I listen to all of this stuff I listened to almost a decade ago, I thought it would be cool to go find lighting images of these bands I like from back in the day (or recently). The first artist I found was Prince – I’ve seen him and his various bands several times over the last decade, and his music is some of the funkiest stuff out there. Whether or not you care for his music, check out the video and images below – it’s great stuff!
I’m still trying to track down production staff information for the various tours – I’ll update this post if I find anything.
Purple Rain, Live in Tokyo:
Purple Rain – I think the first time it was ever played live, Part 1:
Part 2:
Some shots from ian-n on Flickr:
A shot from ebotunes:
Thanks to marypcb on Flickr for this one (Mary has great shots, check them out):
Stay tuned! I’ve been listening to a TON of old stuff!