Barco, What’s the Deal with High End Systems?



The giant lighting and projector company Barco has been doing really, really well – they bought High End Systems, they’re always getting contracts and selling lots of their gear.  Check out some stock info – I took some captures of my stock tracker.

Year to Date:


Last Three Months:


Barco’s stock is sitting at $33.56 a share – up $0.27, or 0.81% today.  I am always reading news stories about how Barco has created some new partnership, released some new product for touring video, or presented some new display technology and made yet a new partnership.

Why, if all of this stuff is going on, are High End Systems personnel getting laid off?  There are a lot of really good people who have been let go from High End Systems by Barco – it is business, I understand, don’t get me wrong.  But what are you doing with High End Systems?

The question is fairly innocuous and certainly isn’t directed to offend, but High End Systems is a brand that has been a huge part of the lighting industries for decades – and there is little to no information about what is going on with HES.  The High End Systems website hasn’t been updated in months, and this looks bad.  What is going on here?  At least be up front about what’s going down.

Barco, whatever is going to happen with High End Systems is obviously up to you.  I, as someone who has a lifetime of respect for the lighting industries, High End Systems, and your brand as well, is really hoping that some of that respect is paid to a company (and its workers) that has been a major part of the industries for a long time.

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