Digital Video Art: Two Interesting Techniques


As I’ve been playing around with content creation lately for whatever purpose my subconscious has dreamed up, I found a few really interesting techniques that produce beautiful, creepily wonderful results.  These techniques appear to be usable as either a live effect or in the creation of recorded content.

The first – Liquified Video:

The blog where I found these techniques, Create Digital Motion, is a grrrrrreat resource for aspiring VJs, content creators, or interested enthusiasts like yours truly.  From the article on Create Digital Motion on Liquified Video:

Datamosh? (The “forbidden” but harmlessly meaningless word?) Video squishification? Mushy data?

Call it what you will, but applying real-time distortion and displacement to video so that video textures become flowing layers of pixels looks absolutely beautiful. Andrew Benson of Cycling ‘74 has only just begun playing with this in Jitter using GLSL shaders, and already the results are really compelling. (For a simpler example that looks more like the compression artifact technique we’ve seen recently, have a look at the second video – though, personally, I like the more sophisticated, layered approach of the video at top. This is going some very cool places.)

This is a Jitter patch, but would be simple enough to port to code for Processing, FreeFrameGL (which implements shader code), or other tools, too, in case you can’t bear being away from your moshness.

The second technique is akin to all of the Light Painting I’ve been writing about; a technique that employs a chroma sample and exploits it, as if you’re painting live with the color:

User naus3ayt on YouTube has penned this technique – his channel is interesting, and I highly recommend checking out both it and Create Digital Motion. Great work, fellas!

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