Sha-Do Play – One of the Coolest Things I Have Seen Lately


I have a tendency to like textured light; light on its own is filtered through clouds, trees, window dressings – and it creates its own natural “texture” for us to enjoy.  I love templates (or gobos, as they’re affectionately called) of texture, and they make a nice natural break to the line of a wall or surface.  Love ’em.

A company called Sha-Do released a few series of lamps that really play on this concept – a projector of sorts, these fixtures cast a great textured template on the surface on which it’s mounted.  Sha-Do has designed a lot of really beautiful shapes for their projections, and I am a huge fan.  I wish I had one of these!  I have a large white wall directly across from my desk at home, and I have a spot can shooting up the middle to break the monotony.  One of Sha-Do’s lamps would be so much better!

Check out a few of these fixtures, this stuff is beautiful – these are from the sha-do2 line:




From the original sha-do line, which all seem to be round:



The virus line:


All of these lines are amazing – and I have not covered them all.  Check out their website – – and view all of their work.  Beautiful!

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