Brady Darnell is One Big Bad Wolf


One Big Bad Wolf is a blog by Brady Darnell – Brady is an actor, director, and writer in the Denver area, and he writes mostly about the Denver theatre scene.  Brady had a great article  recently about Joe Dowling, the AD at the Guthrie, and his very ‘awesome’ salary.

As someone who lives in Denver and works in and around the area as a lighting designer and consultant, I can certainly tell you that work is hard to come by lately – me being very new to this area doesn’t help, no matter what my resume or portfolio looks like.  If you’re in the profession, it’s good to be completely up-to-date on what’s playing, who’s working, what’s working, and which theatres are hiring.  Professional theatres are folding all over the country; most recently, the long time Carousel Dinner Theatre in Akron, OH (not to be confused with the Carousel Dinner Theatre in Fort Collins, CO, which is doing okay).

It’s a designer-eat-designer economy right now.

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