“Passing Strange” and the Wall of Light


Have you heard of the new-ish Broadway musical, Passing Strange ?  I remember hearing a segment on NPR with the writer, performance artist/singer/songwriter Stew about the show, and what went into writing it.  Good stuff.

Also good stuff, Kevin Adams’ lighting design for Passing Strange with its big ol’ LED and fluorescent fixture wall.  That thing is beautiful – it’s a machination of color, intensity, and vibration that brings that show to amazing heights – in both artistry and musical longevity.  The images are stunning.

Live Design Online has a great great article about Kevin’s work on the show, the equipment he used to achieve the look, and how he approached the ideas of the wall.  From the article:

The lighting in Passing Strange shifts in timbre as well, with some of the songs lit as if in an isolated concert space, with tight pools of rock ‘n’ roll style lighting and haze provided by an MDG Atmosphere hazer, and it then goes back to a more natural look for the realistic scenes. The lighting for the band adds another layer to the palette, as well. “The musicians each have a white PAR spot and Source Four with a Coloram scroller above their heads, with all kinds of saturated colors I don’t normally use, such as unusual yellows, oranges, and electric pinks,” says Adams. At the end of the show, 30 GAM Star Strobes pop on out in the house for an explosion of light during the curtain call. “The lighting adds to the excitement of the show,” says Adams. “It doles out its strength when it needs it.”

Also, on Kevin’s portfolio site, he has an article posted about the show as well, from American Theatre.

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