Sunday JimOnLight Flickr Group Photo Pool


Wow, I am absolutely awake right now, watching Inside Job.  I have been working my tail feathers off — you ever get where your sleep schedule is just off because you’re too tired to sleep?

I saw a movie today that I think nobody but me thought was absolutely awesome – The Divide, with Michael Biehn and Lauren German about a post-apocalyptic environment.  This movie is some freaky deep sh*t, people.  Get ready for some crazy insane completely wacko direction (which should be taken as a compliment) and it’s a scenic and lighting designer’s very deep dark dream.  This movie has really, really bad reviews, but I thought it rocked.  I’m serious, people hated this movie!  HAHA!  I say give it a chance, it’s a pretty great Saturday afternoon rainy day movie, but you better watch something with kittens in it afterwards.  Maybe eat some confetti frosting cupcakes or something too, it’s like watching The Road.  GAAAAH!

Side note for those of you who haven’t seen The Road — if you think you’re tough and all, you’re going to cry during and after The Road.  Prepare accordingly.

Check out some of these awesome Sunday Flickr Group images — this is going to be a creative week, I can smell it!



Lollapalooza 2011



string house demo

Mankato Rooftop


There is something so outstanding about this one below. Well done, Eric.


Randall really caught this next moment, methinks.  Good work, man.

A Chorus Line

Thanks Rebecca Wang for the “Divide” movie poster!

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