Luminair 2.0 for iPad – Video Demo!


This is what happens when you have over 150 tabs open in Chrome – you skip over things unintentionally!

Check this out – Synthe FX’s Luminair app for iPad and iPhone, demoed in video:

Luminair for iPad – multi-touch DMX lighting control – A Quick Preview from Synthe FX on Vimeo.

I’ve done some interesting stuff with Ryan Hisey’s apps – what I find incredibly cool about this video (and the one below) is that they were featured on one of my favorite blogs that deals with video jockeying and live visual art, Create Digital Motion.  Now THAT is what I’m talking about – when we work together across industries of light and art, all kinds of cool stuff happens!

Check out another video, this time of Luminair for iPhone:

Luminair 2.0 – wireless DMX lighting control for iPhone + iPod touch from Synthe FX on Vimeo.

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