Imogen Heap’s Tweeting Dress – The Twitdress


Do you remember Moritz Waldemeyer?  He’s the guy who built Bono his crazy laser jacket for the 360 Tour. Moritz is an amazing designer – he’s designed illuminated clothing and all kinds of crazy stuff for many famous people – Rihanna, the band OK GO, Michael Jackson, and the Black Eyed Peas to name a few.

His newest “thing” is a dress made for Imogen Heap to wear at the Grammy Awards – LED flexible fabric, with an interface designed by MSA Visuals that displays tweets and photos in real time coming from the web.  Awesome!

From the Times Online:

Heap, who composes her songs at home in Essex, attended the ceremony in a “Twitter dress”. At first sight her self-made outfit consisted of an oversized necklace studded with flashing lights and a transparent handbag that doubled up as a television. In fact, the necklace was a digital sign displaying messages that her fans were writing on to her Twitter profile. Those tweets were relayed to her jewellery through a wireless router – equipment that provides an internet connection – embedded inside her black dress.

Check out some images and a video:

A video of Imogen and her dress a-tweeting:

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