JimOnLight.com – A “More Free Stuff” Contest!


YEAH!  Free stuff is awesome.  When it’s free stuff that lights up, even more rocking takes place.

Four people will get a stickable LED light pods – LumPods.  These little things stick to places like the back of your cell, above a keyhole, or any place your heart desires.  All you have to do is leave a comment with your answer below – tell me who you consider as your favorite lighting designer or luminaire designer.  That’s it!


I’ll pick four people, all drawn randomly of all entries, to get one LumPod each – make sure to specify in your comment whether you prefer:  black, pink, white, or silver.  Don’t forget!  I can’t promise to give you the color you wanted, but I’ll do my best.

I’ll keep the contest open until Monday, June 1, 2009.  Make sure to enter, all you have to do is tell me who your favorite lighting designer or luminaire designer below!


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  1. Well, my Favorite Lighting Designer is Eric Cornwell. I have been lucky enough work with Eric on many designs at Southern CT State University where he is just ending his five year emergency appointment. I’ve learned just about everything i know about lighting design from him. He’s gong back to concentrating on his Broadway designs and back to Mandy Patinkin’s touring show.

    I’ll take the black one!

  2. My Favorite Designer is ME!!!

    I manage to pay my morgage, feed my children, and live my non show life, based on my skills of bringing light to whatever im paid to light.

    any color….

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