An Indian Company’s Solar Lamp the Poor Can’t Afford



An Indian company has released a solar-powered LED lamp that retains about six hours of energy – the lamp’s purpose is to provide an answer to the power outages and lack of electricity that plagues poor students.  There’s also a lack of proper illumination – a combination of both of these is apparently something that has been frustrating educators in the region for many years.

The StudyLite, created together with Sankara Nethralaya University hospital to provide the proper levels of illumination for the eye, is rechargeable – it also comes with a solar panel that can be used to charge the unit.  The StudyLite is powered by a NiMH battery, and has 24 LEDs that provide the illumination.  It’s about $33 bucks, but given that the figure of a monthly income in Indian is $41 bucks, do you see the problem?


Thanks, Wired!

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  1. The price of StudyLite is a bit steep but I find it cheaper than a pair of jeans or a sneaker with a fancy label. I don’t think the lamp is meant for ‘poor slumdogs’ but for millions of students who otherwise suffer from frequent power outages in all parts of India; they can surely let out a sigh of relief that their studies would not be disrupted. I have been using a StudyLite now more than a month and I find it a wonderful mate which I take along with me anywhere in my home. The design is very classy and modern. The light is perfect for art work as it casts very soft shadows. One of the reason I bought it is because it is certified to be safe for eyes, especially for continuous work. I would highly recommend it. Oh, by the way, India is a poor country no doubt but we do have a large number of middle-class people (close to 200 million) who can certainly afford this lamp for their children.

  2. Wow, Arijit – thanks for the insight into this issue! Could you elaborate a little on what the power situations are for you in India? I would love to see some pictures of you with your StudyLite and how it impacts your environment – one of my favorite things about the concept of StudyLite is helping ANY student have better light. Please tell me more about it – I’ll post a follow-up if you do.

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