Christina Seely’s “Lux”


Christina Seely is a photographer – one who produces beautiful, stellar work.  I posted a few days ago about Civil Twilight’s design for the Lunar Resonant Street Light; Christina’s work was at least part of the motivation for that design.  This specific work – Lux – is a series of photographs, still in progress, of cities’ artificial glow at night, created by all of the lighting we think we need.  More specifically, and from Christina’s head, “Lux documents the artificial glow in major cities in the 3rd brightest regions as seen on a NASA map of the world at night.”

Check a few of these out:

These shots are from Christina’s US series.  These are of Phoenix, LA, and Vegas.  Can you figure out which are which?  Please go visit Christina’s site, and the Lux site. – her work is fantastic.

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