Dave Says Thermal Design Sucks, and I Agree


If you guys don’t know who Dave Jones is, you might not be as big of a nerd as me – which actually might be okay, as I am a huge nerd.  Dave Jones is an extremely smart dude who makes the Electronics Engineering Video Blog in Sydney, Australia.  Let me be the first to say that Dave, if I ever make it to Sydney or you ever make it to Dallas, I am SO gonna buy you a pint, mate.

Dave made a video blog post about lighting his brand new fancy outdoor patio with Cree XPG LEDs, and how he battled the thermal design of his custom Cree LED rig mounted in the ceiling of the patio.  Dave, you are awesome.  I watch your stuff every time you post it.

Buckle in, this video is 20 minutes long, but totally worth it.

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  1. Alright Jim, I think it’s now your responsibility to teach your readers the difference between efficacy and efficiency in LEDs!

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